Perfume Bottle’s Design And Its Influenced to Purchasing Intention In Adolescents

Aesthetic and functional products design have been booming in recent years and impact to consumers’ purchasing intention and behaviors today. There are some factors that influence of purchansing intention to perfume beside the fragrance, its also influenced by other elements such as shapes of bottles, packaging, and advertising. This study aims to purchase intention in adolescents. The method used in this study was pre-expeimental design, one shot case study. This study was involved 96 students at Faculty of Psychology, University of Sumatera Utara. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. Data analyzed statistically using paired sample test. the results showed that there was a significant difference in purchasing intension between perfume bottles Aesthetic design and perfume bottles functional design, it showed that perfume bottles Aesthetic design influencedto purchasing intention. the implication of study that it contributes to understanding the way by adolescent to purchase perfume based on bottle’s design.


Post time: Jun-10-2023